- How to archive your Twitter Chats with What the Hashtag – http://aramzs.me/2f #
- Ubisoft drops controversial always-online DRM http://otf.me/GwM #
- HOW TO: Use QR Codes for Event Marketing http://flpbd.it/OpSr #
- Spot.us has funded over 160 projects with help of 5,000 contributors http://ff.im/-yF0l6 #
- 7 Ways to Collect and Track Donations with WordPress http://ff.im/-yF0ln #
- Compelled Consents and Facebook http://ff.im/-yF0LF #
- Most TBD.com jobs being eliminated via @ethanklapper http://otf.me/Gxs #
- @ethanklapper Yes, but I think it requires a serious re-thinking of how we monetize websites. Display ads are not the answer. #
- Exploring the serious business of game-based marketing // Gamification is the new hotness. http://otf.me/GyS #
- 10 Ways Universities are Using Social Media to Engage Alumni http://slidesha.re/bSEaHh #
- @einsteinmed @medtropoli @cyberdad – thanks for the retweets and compliments 🙂 #
- Find Twitter users in your city with this simple technique – http://aramzs.me/2h #
- Hey @feedly – What's going on? Feedly is no longer registering shares and passing them to Google Reader. #
- Minecraft coming to Android, too http://otf.me/H1f #
- Double Fine tells how it got to Sesame Street http://otf.me/H1g [This will be awesome] #
- What If We Had Just Waited for the Iraqis to Topple Hussein? http://otf.me/H1h #
- Got an Old Computer? Jolicloud OS Can Now Make it a Zippy Cloud Machine http://otf.me/H1i #
- Let Your Smartphone Write Bibliographies for You http://otf.me/H1k #
- @feedly Oh, err, odd. I'd still put it in the left group though. It's the primary way most people I know interact with Google Reader. #
- Simple Charts Explain How 90% of Americans Get Almost Nothing http://ff.im/-yHJFA #
- @feedly Also, I can't just share a post. It forces me to comment for the Google share to work. :/ #
- WordPress 3.1 will break a lot of your plugins :/ Unless you are getting them from WPMU DEV!!! http://ff.im/-yHQBH #
- Disrupting College http://ff.im/-yHQRZ #
- Rockville Central: set to become a Facebook-only outlet http://otf.me/H1y #
- Wrap-up: TBD staff dumped, Bibliographies easier with new app, Compelled consent and Facebook, and a world without oil – http://aramzs.me/2i #
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